Our Finished Video

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Tuesday 4 October 2011

Potential Ideas

Witchcraft - Pendulum

The whole video would be intercut with the performance of a band.

The video opens with a boy moving about on a road, looking disorientated. He is clutching a scrunched up piece of paper; it clearly holds some importance to him. At 0:45, as the song gets louder, we begin the dual narrative which makes up most of the video. The boy begins to move with more purpose in 'the present', and we see the boy and a girl (his girlfriend) in a somewhat abusive relationship in the past. Colour grading clearly distinguishes between the two times; and the suggestion at this point is that the boy has lost the girlfriend in the present. In the past they fight over some lipstick on the guys collar.

He stumbles into a shop at 1:00, and reemerges with a large bottle of spirit. This is intercut with the boy moving towards his girlfriend in the middle of the road; she is facing away from him with her head down and looks beaten and dirty.

From 1:05 to 1:07, he puts his hand on her shoulder and turns her round; we cut away just before her face is visible.

Just as the drop hits (1:07), he begins to down the spirit / we see him hit her in the past / he begins to jump around like a maniac around the road.

As the verse begins at 1:29, the pace slows down; we see the girl outside smoking a cigarette and the guy goes out to console her. They slightly make up for the fight. The boy in the present sits down in an alleyway somewhere and looks at the piece of paper. He cries into his hands.

At the change at 1:51, we see the boy smoke some drugs, maybe sniff a line of something off of a credit card. He stumbles about in a daze, revelling in his self destruction. In the past we see the relationship intensify again.

At 2:13 when the second chorus drops; the relationship kicks off again, we see a visibly abusive fight with lots of shouting and screaming; the girl tries to leave but he holds her back. Once again this is intercut with him charging about the streets, jumping around wildly, off of buildings- we also begin to see the girlfriend standing with her head down, hair covering face, in the distance. He doesn't notice he is being watched.

At 2:58 we focus on the past relationship for a moment, and we see her throw the girl to the ground. She hits her head on a table and he feels blood coming from her head; he has accidentally killed her. He looks down at her body with utter disbelief and disgust at himself. In the build up to the last drop at 3:22, we return to the shot from 1:05 to 1:07; he approaches the girl and puts his hand on her shoulder to turn her round.

As it drops, we see the girl has some crazy eyes and is covered in blood; she is dead and is haunting him. For the final part of the song the cutting gets even quicker; she chases him down the road and he runs for his life. She looks insane and is all mangled up; he is totally terrified.

At 3:44, when the chorus repeats itself we intercut the chase scene with other moments from the video in a very quick montage. We see him downing the spirit, sniffing the line, dancing about; we also see the relationship- the moment she died and the general fighting. The video ends with her cornering him in a dead end of a road; he clutches the piece of paper to his chest. They face each other; then she charges at him.

We cut to a shot of the paper, revealed to be a photo of him and her together, now splattered with blood, falling to the floor. It ends with his hand crashing down into shot as well; then cut to black.

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